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Questions To Answer Before Accepting A Settlement


Settlement can be an advantageous end to a personal injury claim. If the amount is full and fair, it will be enough for a person who was injured to move forward and save them the time, money, and stress of going to court.

But it is important to note that you shouldn’t agree to a settlement offer simply because it costs less and is faster. It is important you have the pros and cons of accepting a settlement analyzed. After a Pennsylvania or New Jersey accident injury, talk to a Bucks County personal injury attorney. An experienced lawyer will likely ask you the following questions to determine if a settlement should be accepted or turned down.

How Much Is the Offer?

Naturally, one of the first things to assess is how much your claim is worth and how much the negligent party is offering. A skilled lawyer can look over the details of your accident and underpants the true worth. It is possible an insurance company will offer a minimum amount, this figure may not be enough to cover all of the expenses connected to your accident injury. There will likely be a reason connected to an offer being smaller than hoped. For example, an insurance representative may dispute the severity of your injury or question the treatment plan that was followed.

Has Your Emotional Distress Been Addressed?

Pain and suffering can be part of a settlement, but how to land on a financial figure for emotional distress can vary. There are a few different formulas that can be used and in some situations the formula may not adequately address the issue. When you move forward with a lawsuit, a financial amount will be determined by the court. In some situations, turning down a settlement is an effective way to secure an amount that feels right for the pain and suffering sustained.

Do You Have Adequate Documentation and Supporting Evidence?

It is not worth it to turn down a settlement amount if you do not have a strong case. You will need a strong case to win in court. If you have not gathered the appropriate evidence or there are questions about the validity of your claim, you could even receive less going to court than you would have received through an initial settlement offer. When you discuss your situation with a Bucks County personal injury attorney, they will advise you on the strength of your claim. When a settlement offer is on the table and there are serious doubts about who truly carries fault for the accident, you may want to accept the settlement amount.

Contact a Bucks County Personal Injury Attorney

Are you trying to decide if you should accept a settlement offer? Talk to a lawyer. You may have a right to a larger financial amount. A member of the legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. has the experience and knowledge you need. Our attorneys know how to secure the maximum settlement amount possible. Accidents happen every day. When they happen to you, it is essential you have a lawyer fighting for your rights. Reach out today, call 215-968-6602.

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