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How Do You Feel About Spousal Support Payments?


Throughout the United States, it is generally recognized that spouses have a responsibility to support one another financially. So, when a marriage ends, in many states the duty to financially support the other person is part of a divorce agreement. The terms alimony, spousal maintenance, and spousal support all refer to one spouse providing payments to the other during a separation or after a divorce.

While spousal support terms are often used interchangeably, there are differences. In Pennsylvania, spousal support is paid during separation and once a divorce is finalized, alimony payments begin. In many situations, how the individuals involved feel about spousal support payments will depend on their ages. To discuss the likelihood that your spouse will be awarded payments or to determine the best path to secure your own payments, talk to a Bucks County family attorney.

Older Couples More Open to Alimony and Spousal Support

According to one study, older couples ending their marriages were more likely to agree that spousal support and alimony payments were appropriate. Naturally, a person ordered alimony often does not want to pay, but if a marriage was long and the other individual does not earn a high income, the higher earner can recognize the need for monthly support, even after the marriage is over. Conversely, people under the age of 40 were more likely to look toward the future and have a desire to put the entire connection in the past.

Alimony is not clear cut. The process can be fraught, but there are guidelines in place so a fair determination can be made. Factors that will be considered include the following.

  • Does an individual need financial support?
  • Can the other person afford payments?
  • How long did the marriage last?
  • Are both people healthy, physically and emotionally?
  • How old are they?
  • What is their standard of living?
  • How much is each person able to earn and what is their level of education?
  • Has a person been out of the job market for a period of time?
  • Are their parental responsibilities?
  • How will assets be distributed?

After all of these and any other contributing factors are assessed, a judge will determine what constitutes a reasonable amount of support. There are times when an agreement can be made through lawyer negotiations and going to court is not required.

Discuss how you feel about support payments with a Bucks County family attorney. There may be a way to receive alimony or receive other assets to offset financial loss you may experience as a result of a divorce.

Are you unsure if alimony will be applicable for you because you both work? Don’t make assumptions, share the details of your situation with the family law attorneys at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. A seasoned attorney can advise you, it is possible you are still eligible for payments and agreeing to not take them can have an impact on your future for decades. Have your own attorney look over documents before agreeing to terms drafted by your spouse’s lawyer. Schedule your consultation to learn more, call 215-968-6602.

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