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Bucks County Divorce Attorneys > Bucks County Parental Relocation Approval Attorney

Bucks County Parental Relocation Approval Attorney 

Pennsylvania’s parental relocation laws require that every person with custody rights over a child approve of a substantial move or the relocating parent must get the approval of the court. Receiving parental approval often results in a better family dynamic for the entire family unit, and there are a couple of options that parents have to ensure a continued parent-child relationship while approving of a significant move. At Kevin L. Hand, P.C. in Newtown, our team of highly qualified Bucks County parental relocation approval attorneys are here to help you negotiate the complicated issue of a relocation with your former spouse and child. To learn more, call or contact our office to schedule a consultation today.

Providing Notice for Relocation

The first step in getting parental approval for a relocation is providing the proper notice to the other parent and the court. Under Pennsylvania law, the parent requesting the move must provide the following information at least sixty days prior to the move, or if the move is unexpected and in less than sixty days, then within ten days of learning about the relocation:

  • The new address and home phone number where the parent and child will be living
  • The mailing address if it differs from the home address
  • The names and ages of everyone who will be living at the new address
  • The child’s new school district and school
  • The proposed relocation date
  • The parent’s reasons for moving away
  • A proposed new custody and visitation schedule and
  • Any other information that is relevant to the proposed relocation

This process can be easier if you inform and discuss the relocation with the other parent before filing notice. It removes the shock factor of learning that the other parent wants to move away with the child and provides an opportunity to give input on the proposed custody and visitation schedule included in the notice.

Relocation Options for Parents

There are options for getting the approval of a parent for a significant move. The first option is to renegotiate the custody and visitation schedule so that the child still spends a similar or the same amount of time with each parent prior to the move. This may include spending vacations and more significant lengths of time with each parent after a relocation or shifting primary custody from one parent to the other depending on the situation.

Another option for parents with flexible jobs is to move with the parent and child in order to maintain the same custody and visitation schedule in a new location. This option allows a parent to continue to see their child on a regular basis and not interrupt the parent-child relationship. To discuss other options for parental approval of a relocation, talk to a lawyer today.

Talk to Our Office Now

Getting approval for relocation by the other parent can significantly expedite the move away process for a parent and their child as well as maintain good relationships for all parties involved. If you would like to speak with a knowledgeable Bucks County family law attorney about getting parental approval for a relocation, call or contact Kevin L. Hand, P.C. today to schedule a consultation of your case.

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