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Pennsylvania Distracted Driving Laws


Distracted driving laws exist in Pennsylvania, but some argue that the laws should include more about mobile device use. Because while there is a ban on texting while driving in place in Pennsylvania, drivers are still able to legally engage with devices. For example, a driver can legally have a conversation on their cell phone provided they are using hands-free technology.

It is important to understand that holding your phone while behind the wheel is not safe, but you are allowed to talk on your cellphone while you are in your car if you are doing so with a hands-free option. But talking is different than texting, and you are not permitted to text while driving in Pennsylvania. Because it is a primary law, you can be pulled over by PA law enforcement when a police officer notices a driver texting. If you were injured because of a texting driver, talk to a Bucks County personal injury attorney about damage settlement options.

Risks While Talking or Texting

There are accident risks whether you are texting while driving or talking on the phone while behind the wheel. One study notes that texting carries a higher accident risk for drivers, but that does not mean that talking on the phone is a risk-free activity. After all, there are dangers to all cognitive distractions, including talking on a hands-free system or interacting with passengers.

The reality is there are thousands of accidents in Pennsylvania each year that are connected to distracted drivers. All distractions, from talking to friends or family to other distractions, need to be taken seriously. While talking on your cell phone hands free is legal and using text features is not, there are risks. Any activity that causes you to take your attention, hands, or a combination of both away from the duties of driving needs to be avoided when you are traveling on PA roads and highways.

Legal Recourse After an Accident

If you were involved in a Pennsylvania traffic accident because a driver was participating in an illegal distracted driving behavior, such as texting, or one that is not technically banned, including talking on a hands-free device, you may want to talk to a skilled attorney about possible legal recourse. It is natural to have questions. Bring your inquiries to the attention of a Bucks County personal injury attorney to learn about what steps you can take today to protect your rights and strengthen your claim.

Can I be compensated for accident injury expenses collected due to a texting driver? The answer is likely yes, but you will need a PA and NJ legal team to fully understand your settlement options. When you are ready to get started, discuss the facts of your case with the aggressive legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. When you have large expenses because of another’s negligence,  skilled attorneys know how to connect you with the compensation you need. If more documentation needs to be gathered, they can collect those elements as well. Call 215-968-6602 to get started.

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