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PA And NJ Lane Change Accidents


Unexpected, illegal lane changes can lead to accidents in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and around the country. If you drive on a regular basis, you likely notice irresponsible lane changes all the time. Either from another driver moving into your lane suddenly, without a proper signal or allowing you the time and space to safely adjust, or a truck operator merging onto a highway without carefully surveying their surroundings.

According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, approximately 10% of traffic collisions are connected to illegal lane changes. It is essential you assess the safety of the situation before moving from one traffic lane to another. If you were struck by a driver who made an illegal, sudden lane change, talk to a Bucks County personal injury attorney about monetary damage settlements.

Reasons for Lane Change Collisions

While people learn how to properly change lanes in driver education classes, it is common for individuals to develop bad habits over time. To safely navigate PA and NJ roadways, be sure to always check your mirrors and check blind spots before performing a lane change. When lane change accidents occur, they are often connected to the following behaviors.

  • Vehicle operator is fatigued or distracted
  • Driver did not check mirrors and blind spots
  • Car, truck, or motorcycle operator was under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Inclement weather limited the ability of drivers to see effectively

Combining bad weather and poor driving habits can lead to crashes, accident injuries, and property damages. Accidents have happened on rainy days with a sleepy vehicle operator and on occasions when a driver who is under the influence was operating a car or truck in snow or sleet.

Your Attorney Can Investigate the Cause of a Collision

If you believe another driver’s irresponsible lane change led to your accident injuries, it is essential you have evidence to back up your story. An experienced car accident attorney knows how to investigate the collision and gather the required documentation for you to access the funds you need to be made whole following a vehicular crash.

An investigation could include collecting images of the accident and reviewing police reports. From there, your attorney can determine the worth of the claim and negotiate with insurance adjusters. Because your lawyer works for you, they will give you honest feedback as your case progresses. When you understand the options your Bucks County personal injury attorney is sharing with you, you can determine when it is best for you to agree to an offer and when it is in your interests to push for a larger settlement offer.

Are you coping with injury expenses because of an illegal lane change? Connect with a PA and NJ legal team that understands how to access the best damage recovery for you and your family. When you are ready to get started, discuss your case with the legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. You should not be juggling large bills for an accident injury when another was negligent. Our skilled attorneys know how to secure the compensation you need. Call 215-968-6602 to start your path to financial compensation.

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