How to Choose the Right Personal Injury Attorney for You
Let’s say you were injured in an accident and you have been unable to work while you are on the mend. Your loved one recommends that you hire a lawyer so that you can sue the driver of the car that caused the accident, but you don’t know where to begin. You will have a lot of questions on your mind.
We can answer some frequently asked questions to help you narrow your list of prospective attorneys:
How do I find a good attorney?
Attorneys advertise everywhere form the yellow pages to the back of the bus in front of you in traffic, but the best way to find a good attorney is to get a referral from someone who has worked with them and is satisfied with their work. Talk to your friends and ask them if they can recommend a good personal injury attorney. Given the fact that you are reading this online, you are aware that searching online is another good way to find attorneys in your area. Do some research — read their websites, read their bios and watch their videos, and then create a list of attorneys to contact.
Be aware that, like doctors, attorneys tend to focus on a specific area of the law. You would not ask a divorce attorney to represent you in a personal injury claim. What you are looking for is someone who focuses on representing people who have been seriously injured in accidents.
How much will it cost me to hire a personal injury attorney?
The good news is that personal injury attorneys often operate on a contingency fee basis. This means that if they take your case, you will not pay any attorney fees until they obtain a settlement for you. You will still have some costs, depending on the nature of your accident and many other factors, but the attorney’s fees will come out of the settlement for your accident.
How do I find out what an attorney’s reputation is?
You can search your attorney’s name online to find out if there are any lawsuits pending against them. You can look them up on websites that rate attorneys and where people leave reviews. Take these reviews with several grains of salt, but read through them to get an idea of what their past clients and peers have to say about them. Check also with your local chamber of commerce and bar association to find out if the attorney has complaints against them.
Is it important that I like my attorney?
You are not looking for your attorney to be your best friend. You actually want an attorney who will work aggressively on your behalf to get the compensation you deserve. As long as you can develop a good rapport with them, trust them and they have helpful, friendly staff, you should be fine. You want a lawyer who will return your calls, who will keep you informed as your case progresses, and who has the right kind of experience for your case.
Schedule an initial consultation
Most likely, the attorneys on your short list will offer consultations. Sit down and discuss your case and get their advice about how to proceed. Ask for references from past clients and call those references.
In the end, you will rely on your instincts and references in selecting the right attorney to represent you. If you are in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, the law firm of Kevin L. Hand, P.C. handles all kinds of personal injury cases. We are responsive to client needs and are happy to sit down and discuss your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.