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Do I still have a case?

I was molested by my uncle starting at the age of 3 continued until the age of 13 because of this I had had severe mental health issues with agoraphobia anorexia social anxiety been in therapy for years and it only seems to get worse as I get older have not seem to get the help need to get due to the fact I cannot get over that he did this for so many years and only did not even two years in jail but I suffered for over 10 years he gets to live his life he has businesses property and I’m still stuck in the past with having nightmares and being way over protective with my children it also has ruined other issues in my personal life Answered by Kevin L. Hand, P.C.

I would need to know certain dates of when matters took place.  WHen was he convicted? how old were you when he was arrested/convicted? What county did this happen in?

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