Why You Should Follow Your Doctor’s Advice After a Car Crash

Following the advice of your physician is important for your own health and the success of your personal injury case. A Bucks County personal injury attorney can help you move forward with your claim while you are recovering. It can take time to heal from a car accident, both physically and financially. An attorney can help you navigate the complexities of the law.
Second Opinions and Treatment Plans
While doctors are educated and experienced individuals, there are times when it is beneficial to seek a second opinion. Talking to another medical professional can be what is needed if your symptoms are continuing when they should have subsided or you simply feel you are not able to have productive communication with your current doctor. When you do seek a second (or third) opinion, be sure to only consult with licensed physicians.
It is important to follow the instructions of medical professionals and follow up, attending every appointment. With regular communication, a doctor can adjust treatment plans and medications when needed. Or, if the results are not what they were hoping to see, explore other treatment options.
Being attentive to your health will create a path to healing and can help with personal injury cases. For example, if you do not go to scheduled doctors appointments, an adjuster working for an insurance company could take notice of the discrepancy within your health record. Then, they may say you are not injured in the way described in your personal injury claim because you are well enough to skip doctor appointments.
Also, be clear about pre-existing conditions with both your doctor and lawyer. A doctor can adjust treatments accordingly and your attorney can work to establish how an accident worsened any injuries and have a plan in place to address insurance company concerns.
Documentation Is Helpful When Filing a Personal Injury Claim
Medical records, doctor instructions, and follow up visits are helpful during the claims processes. With information about a person’s diagnosis, treatment plan, and recovery timeframe, documentation provides a reliable picture of what injuries were incurred as a result of a car crash or other accident.
Insurance companies have their own bottom lines to think about and they may try to pay a victim the smallest compensation amount possible. After an accident, seek immediate treatment and follow medical advice so there is no opportunity for an insurance company adjuster to argue there was never an injury, or that the injuries were not severe. There have even been instances when an insurance company claims a person’s injuries were the result of a separate incident.
A Bucks County personal injury attorney can help you protect your rights. Lawyers have the experience and know-how to guide you through the claims process. Following medical advice is not the only step to securing an award or settlement. There are ways to maximize the possibility of damage recovery.
Were you injured in a Pennsylvania accident? The lawyers at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. can help you secure the maximum settlement amount. Schedule your consultation today, call 215-968-6602.