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What Is Cervical Acceleration Deceleration?


If you were in a car accident and are now hearing the phrase cervical acceleration-deceleration syndrome for the first time, you may be wondering what it means. The commonly used word for cervical acceleration-deceleration syndrome is whiplash. While whiplash is seen in a negative light in many television shows, essentially suggesting whiplash is a faked injury used as a con to achieve funds, whiplash can be a real and painful condition following a New Jersey or Pennsylvania car crash.

Cervical acceleration-deceleration syndrome (CAD) is a term that describes how a whiplash injury occurs. Additionally, you may hear the phrase whiplash associated disorders (WAD) following a car wreck. WAD is referring to the symptoms of whiplash patients while CAD is outlining how the injury occurs, with acceleration and deceleration of the body. Whether you are suffering from a whiplash injury after a car crash or other type of accident, talk to a Bucks County personal injury attorney.

Situations Leading to CAD and WAD

Often whiplash follows when a person is involved in a car crash, and symptom probability is heightened when the individual is struck from behind. This is because the impact of a rear-end collision pushes force into your back, leading to your neck vertebrae rising into the top of your spine. Then, your head moves backward and forward, leading to damage to your neck muscles and ligaments. Your body remains secure, due to your safety belt, but your head is aggressively thrusting leading to injuries that could be diagnosed as cervical acceleration-deceleration syndrome.

WAD you may experience after a car crash:

  • Numbness and tingling
  • Pain in neck, back and shoulder
  • Less mobility in neck and back
  • Balance and coordination issues
  • Discomfort in hands and arms
  • Feeling irritable and sad
  • Insomnia and sleep issues
  • Inability to concentrate

Seeing a doctor after an accident is a necessary step in your recovery, and this is particularly true if you find yourself experiencing whiplash symptoms.

Talk to a Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyer

Whiplash injuries can lead to a lot of complications, particularly if they are happening alongside other health issues. When healthcare costs are high, personal injury laws and insurance conversations can be complicated to navigate. But a lawyer can help you through the process, gathering documentation, pushing back on low offers, and informing you of all your options every step of the way.

Because an experienced Bucks County personal injury attorney regularly works on neck, back, and shoulder injury cases, including those involving the terms cervical acceleration-deceleration syndrome and whiplash-associated symptoms, they know how to move through the insurance negotiations smoothly, quickly, and with the results you are seeking.

Have you been diagnosed with cervical acceleration-deceleration syndrome? Whiplash symptoms are common after PA and NJ accidents, talk to the aggressive legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. about your compensation options. Our experienced attorneys will work hard to achieve the best outcome possible given the details of your accident. Get your claim started so you can move past an injurious event, call 215-968-6602.

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