Ways To Help Minimize Teen Car Accidents

One of the reasons teen car accidents are possible is because the teens are inexperienced drivers. While it is impossible to completely erase the possibility of a collision, there are ways to minimize accident risks. When accidents happen, injuries are possible.
If you need an attorney after a collision in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, connect with a Bucks County car accident lawyer. Personal injury law can be complex, you will likely benefit from having a legal professional on your side. After all, insurance companies have their own legal teams.
Ride with Your Teenage After They Get Their License
Once a teen obtains their license, it is still helpful for them to drive with their parents and gain more on the road experience. In fact, there are statistics that point to this continued time on the road with parents helping to reduce the likelihood of a collision.
Some of the reasons why an accident is less likely when teens drive with parents.
- Teens may be less inclined to exhibit risky behavior when a parent is in the vehicle.
- More experience in an environment where their driving skills are being assessed.
- An ability to ask a question of a seasoned driver should one arise.
Also, off the road, be sure you are clear with your teens about the rules and responsibilities of driving. This means talking to teenagers about the risks involved with speeding, texting, or alcohol use. And, of course, seatbelts need to be worn. Some families create consequences for breaking any rules, so it is clear the situation is serious and rules must be followed.
Parents Need to Follow the Rules as Well
It is important to not only tell a teenager how to drive but to exhibit good behaviors when the adults themselves are behind the wheel. This means parents should also refrain from texting while driving or speeding. And never drink and drive. While you are driving, you can casually point out situations that could lead to problems, such as another driver making an illegal move.
Naturally, teens will shut down if every conversation is a lesson, but they are learning from every experience. When they are in the family car with their parents, they are taking in how adults behave when they are in control of a vehicle.
There are times, unfortunately, when a teen driver follows the rules and does everything right but is still involved in a traffic collision. They can even be injured because of the careless behavior of another on the road. If your teenager was in a collision that resulted in property damage or personal injury, contact an experienced Bucks County car accident lawyer. A skilled attorney will work to protect the best interest of your child and your family.
Was your teen driving when an accident happened? Contact a member of the legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. Our attorneys know how to secure the maximum settlement amount possible. Accidents happen every day. When they happen to you, it is essential you have a lawyer fighting for your rights. Reach out today, call 215-968-6602.