Share Facts With Your Doctor And Don’t Miss Appointments

While you have likely heard about how to talk to law enforcement officials and others at an accident site after a New Jersey or Pennsylvania collision, it is not as common for people to discuss how you should communicate with healthcare professionals. Seeking medical care is essential to have accident injuries assessed and treated. When you do this, share the facts of the event and see treatment plans through.
The strength of your claim could be weakened if you have extensive conversations about who could have been the at-fault driver. Additionally, it will hurt your claim if you do not show up for follow-up medical care. Your healthcare team is trained and experienced to care for illness and injury. Let them do what they do best and when you have legal questions, such as how to determine negligence after an accident, connect with a Bucks County personal injury attorney.
Be Honest About Your Health
To receive the best care, you need to be honest with your doctor. This includes sharing the details of how your accident was sustained and any previous health conditions that may have reappeared or been exacerbated. In the course of this conversation, it is not necessary to discuss theories on what may have happened to other cars or drivers. Stick to the facts so your healthcare team is able to heal your injury to the best of their abilities.
Sometimes accident victims are hesitant to share pre-existing health concerns with a doctor because they fear doing so will mean their healthcare expenses will not be covered in a personal injury claim. But in reality, strong personal injury claims are fortified by clear reports, and if a condition has worsened as a result of an accident, care for that condition could still be part of an accident recovery package.
Next, follow your doctor’s guidance when it comes to follow-up appointments and at home care. For example, if your doctor tells you to rest an ankle and keep weight off of it and you choose to go dancing instead, it is possible your claim will be reduced or denied. If an insurance company can find documentation of you ignoring treatment advice, they will assert you are exaggerating the harm done as a result of the collision.
Expert Testimony Requests
Should your Bucks County personal injury attorney decide expert testimony is needed, they can reach out to doctors and other professionals. Do not talk to your healthcare team about providing statements, your legal team has the expertise required to obtain this evidence efficiently.
Did you ask your doctor to testify on your behalf and now wonder if doing so will hurt your chances of compensation? Talk over your situation with the seasoned legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. Our talented attorneys will answer all of your personal injury questions and share possible paths to damage recovery for past bills and future expenses. Whether your car or truck accident was minor or severe, legal support is available. To receive the support you need, reach out to schedule a consultation. Simply call 215-968-6602.