Reasons for Increased Child Support

In Pennsylvania, child support is calculated according to the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules 1910.16-1 to 1910.16-7. Deciding what amount will be paid takes the needs of a child and the income of the parents into account. This is how a basic total is achieved, but there can be additional expenses, depending on the situation.
If you believe additional support is needed, due to the standard of living that has been established or because of an unusual fixed financial obligation, you need a Bucks County family attorney advocating for you.
Expenses of Childcare and Extracurricular Activities
Childcare may be an expense that is needed in order for a family to function smoothly. This includes before-school programs, after-school programs, daycare, or camps when school is not in session.
When childcare is included within a support plan, it does not mean a set amount will be given simply because one parent requests it. In most instances, a judge will determine what is a reasonable amount and take the reason for the care into account. For example, a parent could be in school themselves or have work obligations that make childcare necessary.
There are also times when school expenses or the cost of specific extracurricular activities can be taken into account. A parent may need to demonstrate the benefits of the activities, but assuming that can be proven, there can be compensation for registration fees and equipment costs.
Medical Fees and More
If a child has medical expenses that are not paid out of the health insurance policy held by a parent, the court may add those fees to the support obligation. It is not uncommon for families to have insurance plans that only cover barebones healthcare services. Other plans feature co-pays or out-of-pocket fees that are extremely high. A parent may need additional support for those charges, or funds for dental or vision needs, which may not be included in a healthcare plan.
There are a variety of circumstances when Pennsylvania Child Support Law will allow additional support, including the following:
- Financial obligations that are fixed and unusual.
- Adjustments that need to be made to maintain standard of living.
- Additional support obligations one or both parties may carry.
- Healthcare expenses.
- School, childcare, and extracurricular fees.
- Taking a person’s assets and liabilities into account.
- Best interests and development of the child.
If you live in Newtown, Yardley, or Langhoren and have questions about family law, including child support obligations, you need to connect with a Bucks County family attorney. Experienced Pennsylvania and New Jersey lawyers can navigate the terms of alimony, child support, and custody issues.
It is important to remember that negotiations and modifications are often possible. You do not need to simply accept the terms designed by your ex-spouse or their lawyer. Instead, have a legal team on your side fighting for you.
Are you interested in adding expenses to the child support you receive? The attorneys at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. can help. Our lawyers pay attention to every detail and work for you. Schedule your consultation today, call 215-968-6602.