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Property Expenses After An Accident


Walking away from a traffic accident unharmed is something to be thankful for as collision injuries can be incredibly upsetting, painful, and emotional. While it is far better to be coping with property that is damaged or destroyed, there are still steps these individuals will want to take in order to obtain the monetary damages they need to fix or replace their Pennsylvania or New Jersey property.

Don’t wait around thinking an insurance company will attend to tell the details of your property damage. Claimants are typically responsible for taking initiative and establishing they need compensation. A Bucks County personal injury attorney can assist you in getting the full recovery you need. Skilled car accident lawyers work on property damage claims and personal injury settlements every day.

Property Damage Liability

Your own insurance will likely be the company responsible for paying out on damages as Pennsylvania is a no-fault state. Often this means your car or truck itself is not covered, but that you can obtain compensation for any or all of the following under property liability.

  • Buildings or other immovable objects, such as outdoor furniture or statutes.
  • Agriculture assets, such as trees and livestock.
  • Personal items damaged within the vehicle.

Documation is an important part of the process, so doing so with photos and notes is advised, as soon as you think of doing so. Do not make guesses about what will be covered and what won’t be eligible for recovery. Instead, document everything and then talk to an experienced attorney.

Rental Cars and Other Additional Fees

When your car is damaged, fees can extend past the bill from the auto body shop. For instance, you may need to rent a car in order to commute to work and be present for other obligations while your vehicle is being repaired. Or, maybe you need a rental while a car that replaces yours is being shipped and delivered. But don’t assume any and all rental expenses will be covered by insurance. If your rental is covered at all, there is likely clear language in your policy about if rentals are covered and for how long.

Every situation needs to be reviewed individually as there are different types of insurance policies and how the collision occurred could affect financial settlements.

Discuss Your Situation with a Pennsylvania Car Accident Attorney

It is possible you have more damage recovery available to you than you initially thought. To learn what is possible regarding your damaged property, talk to a Bucks County personal injury attorney.

Are you overwhelmed by property damage expenses following a car crash in Pennsylvania or New Jersey? Instead of obsessing about what could be possible, bring your property bills and questions to the attention of the legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. Our attorneys will walk you through best practices, including securing property estimates and negotiating with insurance adjusters. Analyzing the details of your case is a first step, then investigations can be pursued and favorable resolutions can be secured. Call 215-968-6602 to get started.

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