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Personal Injury Offers And Online Calculators


When you are recovering from an injury or illness due to an auto accident, motorcycle collision, dangerous premises incident, or medical error, it is normal to wonder what level of financial recovery you may be able to access. For this reason and others, many consult online personal injury calculators. Sometimes these calculators supply a reasonably accurate recovery number, but in other situations they are far off from what figure would result in a full and fair recovery.

Personal injury insurance claims and lawsuits are not always simple and clearcut, there are often a lot of specifics that need to be investigated and reviewed. It is possible that unique details of your case will not be included in the calculations of a basic online tool. Then, an estimated recovery amount provided by the calculator could be far lower than the amount you would receive if a Bucks County personal injury attorney is fighting for your rights.

Claims May Be Similar, But Not Exactly the Same

While there can be similarities from one injury claim to the next, no situation is exactly the same. For example, you could receive the same diagnosis as another accident injury victim but not have the same healing experience. This could be true if you do not respond to an initial medical treatment that was successful for someone else, for instance. As a result, your medical bills could be much higher than theirs due to your increased medical care, meaning you will need a larger financial settlement to cope with your extended recovery time. These types of details are not gathered by general online tools, such as personal injury calculators.

Because the accuracy of a settlement calculator is connected to the inputted data, there may not be a path to receiving a true value of a claim when the calculator doesn’t give you a way to add in medical challenges, future appointment, emotional stress, and other concerns.

Contact a PA or NJ Attorney for an Accurate Claim Assessment

Recovering physically after an injurious event in Pennsylvania or New Jersey could require financial resources. After all, being treated by a medical specialist, attending physical therapy appointments, and accessing prescription medications comes at a cost, often one that is higher than families can afford. While an online calculator can be an informative tool for some, do not assume it is giving you a total that is the best amount for you. Before agreeing to a settlement, have a conversation about your case with a Bucks County personal injury attorney.

Were you surprised by the amount that came up when you used an online personal injury calculator? Do not agree to a settlement offer simply because it is in the same range as the amount provided by an online tool, your personal injury settlement could be higher if you connect with a seasoned attorney who fully reviews the facts of your case. Share the details of your car accident, slip and fall event, or medical malpractice case with the legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. Caring, aggressive support is available, to schedule your no-cost consultation, call 215-968-6602.

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