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PA Vacation And NJ Tourism Injuries


When you go to an amusement park for the day or plan a week of vacation with family and friends, you are planning to make some positive memories with those that you love. But accidents and injuries can occur at any time, and sometimes these events happen while people are on holiday.

A dedicated, qualified Bucks County personal injury attorney can help you navigate the process of accessing financial resources from insurance companies following a tourism injury. Multiple insurance policies could be involved, leading to complexities. Lawyers with experience in vacation injuries have the talents you need to access a damage recovery settlement that will allow you to pay off medical fees and move forward.

Locations Where Tourist Get Hurt

Because people on vacation spend their days differently than individuals who are following their typical work schedule, they sometimes get injured at vacation spots. Pennsylvania and New Jersey injuries have been sustained in the following places:

  • Theme parks. When amusement parks and theme attractions are not maintained properly rides can malfunction leading to injuries.
  • Slip and fall injuries. Hotels and other tourist destinations that are open to the public need to have safe walkways and appropriate safety features in place. Owners and property managers who do not have inspections and maintenance plans as part of their system could be held liable.
  • Car and van accidents. Often people will rent a car to travel or take advantage of rideshare services such as Lyft or Uber when they are exploring a city or area they are unfamiliar with. But just as car accidents are possible in a person’s own vehicle, accident injuries can be sustained in rideshare vehicles and rental vans.

After an injury, seek medical care right away. Then, connect with a lawyer who can help you untangle how to achieve the financial recovery you will need to get your life, including your finances, back on track.

Lawyers Can Work On Your Case When You Head Home

Connect with a Bucks County personal injury attorney who is familiar with New Jersey and Pennsylvania laws. If you live in another state, you can head home knowing your case is being fought in the state in which you were injured while you heal in your own surroundings.

Large fees and expenses are possible when a vacationer is following a treatment plan for abrasions, burns, fractures, and other health issues. Whether you were hurt on holiday or when following your daily routine, compensatory damages are possible when another was negligent.

Were you hurt on a family trip or while vacationing with friends? If you sustained a tourism-related injury, compensatory damages could be possible. To get started, discuss your case with the seasoned legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. Our attorneys have years of experience and work diligently to secure compensation for our personal injury clients. Whether you were hurt while on a week-long vacation in New Jersey or on a day trip in Pennsylvania, legal support is available. Book your no-cost consultation today, call 215-968-6602.

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