Nightclub Bouncers and Personal Harm

With many nightlife options in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and across the river in New Jersey, many head to these vibrant offerings in search of a fun night out. While it is common to laugh, dance, and make positive memories in nightclubs with music and flashing lights, there are situations where the night goes awry and individuals experience injuries.
If the harm sustained is the result of the behavior of a bouncer or other staff member, questions about liability may arise. When employees are charged with maintaining order and ensuring the safety of patrons but neglect their duties, it may be possible to hold them or their employer accountable. Talk to a Bucks County personal injury attorney to learn more.
Assessing Reasonable Care
Nightclub staff, including bouncers, have a duty to exercise reasonable care in carrying out their responsibilities. Specific duties can vary, depending on each worker’s professional role within the club, but for bouncers it often includes crowd control, diffusing altercations, and ensuring the premises remain safe for staff and guests alike. While this is generally understood, there are instances where bouncers overstep the rules or act negligently, and if a person is injured as a result it may be possible for them to pursue legal action against the bouncer or, in some cases, the nightclub itself.
An example of a scenario where a bouncer may be held accountable is excessive use of force. It is recognized that bouncers may need to use a reasonable amount of force to eject unruly patrons or to defend themselves from time to time, but if a bouncer employs unnecessary physical violence or weapon use, resulting in harm, they may face criminal charges and civil liability.
When Liability Extends to the Nightclub Itself
Under premises liability law, property owners, including nightclub owners, have a duty to maintain a safe environment for individuals using the space. This duty encompasses providing adequate security and ensuring staff are properly trained to handle potentially dangerous situations. If the nightclub fails to fulfill this duty, compensation may be in reach.
Should you decide you want to pursue a premise liability claim against a nightclub, your case will be a lot stronger if you can demonstrate that the establishment knew or should have known about the dangerous condition that caused the injury and failed to take reasonable steps to remedy it. In the case of a nightclub injury, this may include inadequate security measures or a history of violence by employees.
There are a lot of seasoned nightclub bouncers who maintain order without hurting anyone. Unfortunately, there are also others who act recklessly. If you were hurt because of a club employee, talk to a Bucks County personal injury attorney about the possibility of holding someone accountable, either the individual worker, the business, or both.
Do you believe a business owner should be held responsible for your nightclub-related injuries? Discuss the principles of liability with the knowledgeable lawyers at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. Injury attorneys can inform you on what steps need to be taken in order to access compensation. Call 215-968-6602 to schedule a confidential consultation.