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Bucks County Divorce Attorneys > Newtown Family Law Mediators

Newtown Family Law Mediators

Advantages of Mediation

If divorcing spouses feel that they can cordially communicate and negotiate to make decisions, family law mediation may be an appropriate alternative to customary divorce. Alternative dispute resolution methods such as collaborative divorce and divorce mediation are becoming more popular, to some extent because of the many resulting benefits, such as:

  • Court appearance not required until finalized
  • Reduced legal fees
  • Fewer modifications
  • Faster than traditional judicial method
  • Potentially less stressful
  • Emphasizing children’s best interests

Who is a good candidate for Divorce Mediation?

Divorce Mediation assists spouses seeking divorce to communicate affably with one another in order to jointly agree on the provisions of important family issues, including;

  • visitation
  • child support
  • child custody
  • property division and
  • spousal support.

This route may not be the appropriate choice for all couples, particularly in the case of a contested divorce.

Throughout the process, a family law mediator works as a neutral third party to help you settle your legal issues. Being impartial, a mediator will not advocate or advise for either side, but instead makes possible a discussion that gets to the central point of both parties’ concerns and assists them in finding workable solutions. The mediation method is voluntary and client driven and can yield creative, individualized solutions that can better satisfy the needs of the family than a court-ordered solution.

For the most favorable result, it is advised that couples seeking divorce mediation retain the counsel and guidance of a trusted PA & NJ divorce attorney with vast experience in mediation.

Choose a Skilled Newtown Family Mediator

At Kevin L. Hand, P.C., our Newtown family mediators represent clients going through a divorce or legal separation with experience, dedication, and skilled legal counsel. If a client and their spouse resolve to take advantage of the merits of divorce mediation, we can provide expert legal advice and guidance to assist you effectively and confidently make decisions for your family’s future.

Located in Newtown, Pennsylvania our offices are easily accessible to clients throughout Montgomery County, Bucks County, and Mercer County. For more information, contact us today.

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