How to Recognize Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

For many, it is easier to identify signs of nursing home abuse than it is to discover nursing home neglect. Unfortunately, neglect can be easier for a nursing home to hide. For example, if the staff of a nursing home knows when family members are visiting, they may treat nursing home residents differently than they normally do. They could leave a resident alone for long periods but clean their rooms and appear attentive when visitors arrive.
If you suspect nursing home neglect of a loved one, discuss your situation with a Bucks County nursing home abuse lawyer who has experience with nursing home abuse and neglect cases.
Learning to Recognize Signs of Neglect
While behaviors can be easier to hide, there are physical indicators of nursing home abuse.
Look for the following:
- Dehydration, including sunken eyes. sleepiness, confusion or irritability.
- Bedsores or injuries from immobility.
- Infections on the body.
- Dental problems due to lack of basic hygiene
- Unhygienic living conditions
Some of the above could be issues that are coming to light for reasons other than neglect. Some older adults have dental issues for health reasons. Essentially, you want to look for any new issues. If there are problems that your loved one develops, issues that were not there in the past, it could be because of nursing home neglect.
Protect your loved one and get involved early. There can be the possibility of civil liability or criminal charges if there was nursing home abuse or neglect. While you can not change the past, you can improve the future for your loved ones and others.
What to Do?
If you suspect neglect, it could be helpful to visit more often, if possible. Possibly you could interact more with their daily care which could give you clues as to how they are faring and if the staff of the facility is doing all they can to help. Because, there are instances when what seem to be signs of neglect are actually connected to other health issues, natural declines.
When you spend more time at a nursing home but are still not feeling settled or are having concerns about what you’re seeing, it is time to reach out and contact a Bucks County personal injury lawyer to help you with a nursing home abuse or neglect case.
Because of the legal theory of respondeat superior, the employer of an individual who participated in nursing home abuse could be liable. The case could be even stronger if the facility failed to hire qualified workers or mishandled training expectations. It is their job to maintain standards within the organization.
There are many nursing homes in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania, many of them with excellent care. But there are instances of abuse and neglect, too. If you have questions about nursing home neglect, the experienced attorneys at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. can help. Let our lawyers guide you toward the best path for your family’s future, they can help you investigate and evaluate the situation. Schedule your consultation today, call 215-968-6602.