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How To Handle A High Conflict Divorce


Emotions often run hot during a divorce, and this can be especially true when navigating a high conflict divorce. A Bucks County family attorney can develop a strategy that allows you to focus on top priorities. Seasoned divorce lawyers know how to neutralize situations and negotiate the terms their clients are seeking.

Issues Take Center Stage

When negotiating divorce agreements, it is optical to focus on solutions. But when the divorce is one of high conflict, issues are repeatedly brought up which can delay the process and lead to emotional distress. If you want to conserve resources, including time, energy, and money, finding a path to productive negotiations is advised.

If possible, collaborative decision making and mediation can result in the amicable end of marriage. But during a high conflict divorce, people often believe issues are being used against them and they feel stuck. Unresolved emotional concerns become a part of the legal conflict in high conflict cases, with one or both parties trying to inflict pain on the other. Connecting with a skilled legal team as soon as possible is in your best interests.

Reduce Contact and Stay Consistent

High conflict situations are upsetting, if you can minimize contact with your ex, do so. For instance, completely eliminating in-person meetings and opting for written communication, such as emails, could be beneficial. Then, you have documentation of discussions and you do not have to go through the emotional upheaval of meeting face-to-face.

Remain consistent and avoid emotional outbursts. Create a support system to help you heal and vent your feelings to trusted counselors and friends, but consistently treating all communications with your ex as professional interactions will mean you are not giving them any fodder to use against you later. Stick to the facts. Have your ex talk to your Bucks County family attorney if they have any questions.

Ongoing conflicts may put a stop to mediation efforts, but other alternatives, such as arbitration and litigation, are available. The other party can make the divorce process difficult, but they do not have the ability to tell you that you have to remain married or dictate all the terms of your divorce agreement without your input.

There are many reasons why a divorce can become one of high conflict. Sometimes disputes escalate because of custody fights and determining how extensive assets will be distributed. IN other cases the divorce is complex because the couple started and owns a business or multiple properties. Positive outcomes are possible, learn ways to overcome conflicts when you work with a compassionate attorney.

Do you suspect your divorce will be one of high conflict? If so, you need an experienced legal team who knows how to neutralize volatile situations. The family law attorneys at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. have the skills you need and can answer all of your questions about how to navigate a complicated divorce. Once our lawyers understand the facts of your situation, they will share strategies for resolution with you. To learn more about divorce in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, schedule a free initial consultation today, call 215-968-6602.

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