How To Ask Your Spouse For A Divorce
Often both spouses know a marriage is in trouble and coming to an end, but there are also times when one person has decided they want a divorce only to discover their husband or wife is blindsided by the news. Asking a spouse for a divorce can be extremely stressful, but there are ways to make the conversation as productive as possible.
If you feel it would be helpful to have more information about how the divorce process will move forward for you, talk to a Bucks County family attorney. Whether you are currently separated or just beginning to consider ending your marriage, talking with a lawyer is informative.
Choose a Time Without Distractions
Blurting out that you want a divorce when your spouse is in the middle of a work deadline and the kids are running around playing is likely not the best time to share your news. Protect yourself and your spouse from distractions. Choose a time when the kids are at a friend’s house or at school and you both are able to put your cell phones away and have a true, honest discussion.
For many families, a good time to have this focused conversation is during marital counseling. After all, you will have a third party there to assist you and your spouse through the anger and hurt that will likely follow one person announcing they want a divorce. Then, with the help of a counselor, it can be determined if your marriage is at a point where repair is possible or if it is time for you and your spouse to move toward a new future where each of you can thrive individually.
When emotional abuse or physical abuse is present in a marriage, a heart-to-heart discussion may not be possible. In these situations, correspondence through written documents drafted by an attorney could be the clearest, smoothest way to ask for a divorce.
Deciding On Next Steps
When it is clear the marriage is unhappy and divorce is the desired solution, speak to a lawyer as soon as you can Sharing with an attorney the relationship you currently have with your spouse and what your goals are will give them the information they need to determine if collaboration, mediation, or litigation is best given the specific circumstances of your situation.
To talk through your options and decide on how to ask your spouse for a divorce, discuss your goals with a Bucks County family attorney. There are systems in place to support you, you don’t have to guess when it comes to life-changing choices.
Do you want a divorce? While raising the topic of divorce is not easy, there are ways to make a difficult time of life as smooth as possible. The family law attorneys at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. can advise you through the divorce process and provide you with options. Once your lawyer understands the future you are seeking, they can fight to obtain the life you want moving forward. Call 215-968-6602 to get started.