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How Age Can Play a Role in Recovering from an Accident


Accidents can happen to anyone, but the impact on the body and the recovery process can vary greatly depending on a person’s age. Healing times, medical expenses, and the need for specialized care can differ substantially. Understanding these factors is crucial when seeking compensation after an accident, have a conversation with a Bucks County personal injury attorney to learn more.

Specific Age Concerns for Healing 

Younger people, typically in their 20s and 30s, often have quicker recovery times due to their body’s natural resilience and ability to heal fast. Yet younger accident victims have their own concerns. For example, serious injuries such as fractures, head trauma, or spinal damage can still require extensive medical treatment and time away from work, leading to financial strain. Additionally, even a seemingly minor injury can have long-term effects that may impact future physical abilities and career opportunities, especially if left untreated or improperly addressed.

The experience for older adults, especially those over the age of 65, can be much more complicated. Age-related conditions like osteoporosis, arthritis, or reduced mobility make them more susceptible to severe injuries, such as hip fractures or traumatic brain injuries, even in minor accidents. Recovery times are longer, and the chances of infections or prolonged immobility are higher.

No matter the age of the injured party, accidents often lead to significant financial burdens. Common expenses include the following.

  • Medical bills. Hospital stays, surgeries, medication, rehabilitation, and follow-up treatments can add up quickly.
  • Physical therapy. Both younger and older individuals may require physical therapy to regain mobility and strength, especially after serious injuries like broken bones or ligament damage.
  • Lost wages. Time away from work to recover can result in a loss of income. This can be particularly damaging for older individuals approaching retirement, who may not have the time to make up for financial losses.
  • Long-term care. For those with pre-existing conditions, an accident may result in the need for long-term care or assistance with daily activities, which can be costly.
  • Home modifications. After an accident, some individuals may need to modify their home for accessibility, including adding ramps, grab bars, or other adjustments to accommodate limited mobility.

In short, regardless of your age, recovering from an accident can be financially and emotionally overwhelming.

Both Younger Individuals and Older Adults Face Recovery Timelines

Age plays a significant role in the recovery process after an accident, influencing how the body heals and the expenses that follow. Whether you’re a younger individual with a promising career or an older adult facing longer recovery times, it’s essential to work with a knowledgeable Bucks County personal injury attorney to ensure you receive the financial compensation necessary to support your recovery.

Is your accident-related injury recovery timeline affected by your age? You don’t have to face the aftermath of an accident alone, there are professionals to guide you through the process. The legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. can connect you with the settlement amount you need to pay off injury fees. Call 215-968-6602 for a confidential consultation.

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