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Grades Of Whiplash Indicate Severity


Auto collisions, accidents while playing sports, and slips, trips, or falls can lead to whiplash injuries. If you have sustained an injury, you may be seeking monetary recovery for your injury expenses but have no idea what that amount will be. Often, insurance payout amounts are connected to the grade of the whiplash injury, a scale of assessing injuries as minor, moderate, or severe.

Whether you have sustained a whiplash injury that is healing with home care or have had to undergo surgery, there could be an insurance settlement in reach. Most compensation settlements for whiplash injuries happen outside of court, often through insurance settlements. A Bucks County personal injury attorney will provide you with legal representation throughout the process, including insurance negotiations and going to trial, if that is required.

Injuries Are Often Graded as 0 to 4

Accidents have a lot of variables, and the resulting injuries can be an inconvenience or prompt lifelong health concerns. Fatigue, swelling, headaches, and loss of range of motion are all possible after your neck forcefully is snapped in a forward-backward motion, these are symptoms of a whiplash injury. The grade of your whiplash injury will be connected to the level of physical damage resulting from the accident.

Grade 0 – No physical indicators of harm and there are no complaints from the accident victim.

Grade 1 – While stiffness, tenderness, and pain are present, no physical indicators are seen.

Grade 2 – Complaints of discomfort paired with decrease in individuals’ range of motion, an indicator of possible musculoskeletal damage.

Grade 3 – Neck and back complaints along with neurological issues, such as decrease in reflexes, sensory deficits, and overall weakness.

Grade 4 – Any or all of the above and a neck dislocation or fracture.

Having the appropriate evidence is essential when pursuing a personal injury settlement. For example, a major insurance company may suggest your whiplash injury is a grade one harm and offer you a settlement based on that assumption. But if you have documentation from your medical team that grade two harm was sustained, your attorney can reject the low offer from the insurance company and show them the proof of you needing additional compensation to be made whole after an accident.

Whiplash Injury Costs Are Eligible for Recovery

A range of injury expenses after a PA or NJ accident are eligible for recovery, including the medical costs, lost wages, and emotional strain due to a whiplash injury. Learn what is possible when you speak with a Bucks County personal injury attorney.

Is your whiplash injury interfering with your ability to return to the life you enjoyed prior to an accident? Share the facts of your Pennsylvania or New Jersey whiplash injury within a seasoned personal injury attorney. High expenses often follow health concerns, and you shouldn’t have to shoulder those costs if another was negligent. The legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. will fight for your rights, including taking all the steps required to secure a maximum financial settlement amount. To get started, call 215-968-6602.

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