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Failure To Pay And Child Support Income Guidelines In Pennsylvania


Child support is an important issue in any divorce or separation case, particularly when the primary custodial parent relies on those funds to provide for their children. There are set amounts that need to be paid, and when payments stop, legal action can be taken.

In Pennsylvania, child support payments are calculated based on income guidelines established by the state. If your ex-spouse fails to pay the court-ordered amount, or if you are wondering how much child support you will be eligible for should you divorce in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, connect with an experienced Bucks County family attorney to have your unique circumstance reviewed.

Child Support Income Guidelines in Pennsylvania

There are established guidelines in place when it comes to child support. Financial calculations are set by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, and final determinations surrounding child support take into account the income of both parents.

Additionally, the number of children and other factors, such as child care expenses and health insurance premiums, are considered when it comes to child support. In Pennsylvania, child support payments are typically calculated based on the percentage of the non-custodial parent’s net income and the number of children.

  • One child, 20%
  • Two children, 27%
  • Three children, 33%
  • Four children, 40%
  • Five or more children, at least 40%

It is important to note that these rules vary from state to state. For example, the child support income guidelines are different when you cross out of Pennsylvania and enter New Jersey.

In NJ, child support payments are also calculated based on the non-custodial parent’s net income and the number of children, but the percentages differ.

  • One child, 17%
  • Two children, 25%
  • Three children, 29%
  • Four children, 31%
  • Five or more children, at least 35%

While there are differences in the details when it comes to the amount of child support awarded in PA or NJ, paying child support on time and in full is a legal obligation in both states and throughout the country.

Fighting for Support When an Ex-Spouse Fails to Pay

If you were granted child support and your ex-spouse fails to pay, there are several steps you can take to enforce the order and collect the payments owed. Often the best first step is to contact your ex-spouse and determine why they are not paying. If the misunderstanding can’t be resolved, reach out to a Bucks County family attorney. An attorney can walk you through the process of filing a motion or negotiating a payment plan.

When a person is having trouble collecting child support payments from an ex-spouse, it’s essential to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. For you, this could be a path to protecting your rights and the well-being of your children. A divorce lawyer who is knowledgeable in PA and NJ family law can help you navigate the legal system and fight for the support you and your children deserve.

What child support questions do you have? Have your concerns addressed by the legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. Schedule your no-cost consultation, call 215-968-6602.

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