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Divorced Parents And Vacation Plans With The Kids


Family vacations can be a wonderful way to build positive memories, but when parents are separated or divorced, the process of scheduling vacations is not always easy. It is possible parents have reached a divorce agreement without thinking through the intricacies of vacation planning.

Legal, specific, clear documents can help smooth transitions and support co-parenting goals. Talk to a Bucks County family attorney about how to untangle scheduling complications. Once a solution is found, children can enjoy vacations with each parent without the stress of experiencing their parents arguing.

Summer Breaks and Holiday Vacations

When parenting plans are developed, you may want to create vacation schedules within the framework. This could be done in the following ways.

  • Designating clear parent vacation time in the document
  • Agreeing to schedule vacations at a certain date each year
  • Timeframe of vacations, including specific dates, clearly indicated

Each family is unique and a combination of these strategies may be appropriate. For example, parents could agree that each parent receives two weeks to vacation each summer break and the dates of those two weeks should be discussed and agreed upon no later than April 1 of that year.

Then, you will know which dates are yours and which dates your ex-spouse prefers. You can also include language for when disagreements arise or dates are not exchanged before April 1. The language in the parenting agreement could state that in lieu of exchanged dates, one parent receives the first two weeks of July and the other parent receives the first two weeks of August, for instance. Clarity is an important part of the process.

Traveling Out of State or Internationally

If your former spouse wants to travel out of state or internationally and you have concerns about travel that is far from home, you can include language that limits travel within a parenting agreement. Naturally, the other party could push back on these limitations, but if there is a reason why you believe the travel is not safe, or you have a concern about the other parent staying in another country longer than you agreed to without your consent, it is possible to put limitations in an agreement.

Negotiations are not always easy. A Bucks County family attorney can help you to protect yourself and your children from future arguments through drafting a solid parenting plan. Whether you are planning to divorce or want to modify an existing parenting agreement, there are options available. Discuss the intricacies of your situation with a legal professional.

Are you trying to make future vacation plans but are unsure how to address it with your ex-spouse? Clear co-parenting expectations can be put in place with the help of a legal professional. A skilled lawyer has the experience to secure the future you are seeking. The family law attorneys at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. help. Our dedicated legal team understands the finer points of family law. There are opportunities to create the life you want. Schedule your consultation today, call 215-968-6602.

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