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Divorce and Best Practices For Communication


Splitting up after years of marriage can be incredibly painful, but there are things you can do to make the process as smooth as possible. While there will be times of sadness and you may feel pressure, know that with support you can pave a path to happiness. One of the things you can do is to put good communication rules in place. Poor communication can harm a marriage, and it can also be problematic during a divorce.

There are issues that will need to be discussed and agreed on in order for the marriage to end. While it can be tempting to completely cut off communication, that may not be an option if there are many aspects in need of attention or you will be co-parenting children moving forward. Talk to a skilled Bucks County family attorney about your situation and define a communication strategy.

Basic Rules Surrounding Communication

Naturally, setting ground rules is easier to do if you and your spouse are communicating well. But even if you aren’t, basic rules can be established, such as which forms of communication will be used and what times are appropriate for communication.

Discussing your desired form of communication with your attorney before agreeing to rules with your spouse could be in your best interest. For example, recognize that Apple recently made an announcement that their popular communication tool, iMessages, will be going through an update which will allow users to edit messages after they have been sent. If your spouse is difficult, this may not be the right tool for you to use. Email could be a better choice as there will be a clear history to point to if disputes arise.

If you could use support developing communication guidelines, consider connecting with a counselor to walk you and your spouse through the process. Mediation is also an option. An experienced professional can guide you toward a post-divorce relationship, which can be particularly helpful should you be parenting young children together, meaning you will continue to be in touch for at least another decade.

Avoid Accusations

Additionally, once there are basic communication rules in place, keep conversations focused on key issues. While it is normal for one or both individuals to feel hurt, bringing up past grievances and making accusations or allegations will lead to more problems.

There are many supports available for you, including the advice and guidance of a Bucks County family attorney. Communication may be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. Your lawyer can also communicate for you on your behalf, when necessary.

How do you communicate with your soon-to-be-ex spouse? Even when spouses no longer get along, there are paths to solutions. Talk to the family law attorneys at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. to learn about your options. With extensive knowledge, our attorneys will listen closely to your goals and determine how to work toward your objectives. We will fight for you each step of the way. With an aggressive attorney by your side, the future you want is within reach. To get started, call 215-968-6602.



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