Claims Are Possible After A Single-Vehicle Accident

When you are driving alone on the road, with no other cars around you, it may not seem like an accident is possible. This is because most people associate car accidents with images of multiple vehicles colliding. But sometimes, accidents only involve one car, truck, or motorcycle. Single-vehicle crashes can lead to expensive repairs and high medical fees. If another was negligent, there could be a path to financial compensation.
Share your story with a Bucks County personal injury attorney after you have seen a medical professional and have had your injuries diagnosed. Then, a skilled lawyer will be able to look over the details and evidence and determine if you have a strong claim. If not, there could be a path to strengthen your claim, including gathering documentation and obtaining expert testimony.
Other Vehicles Can Be Involved in Single-Car Crashes
Even when a car doesn’t collide with another vehicle, it is still possible for another car or truck to be negligent. For example, if a driver is behaving erratically or breaking a traffic law another driver may be forced to swerve away from their dangerous behavior. Sudden movements that are not expected can lead to a car leaving a roadway and crashing into an obstacle, such as a tree or building.
There have even been situations where the car itself has prompted an accident. When a car part is defective, a driver could lose control and be involved in a single-car collision because they are unable to operate the vehicle.
Witnesses from Area Businesses and Other Locations
To fully understand how an accident happened, witness accounts may be necessary. For single-vehicle accidents, witnesses could be found at area businesses or if there were people walking by or in nearby homes who saw the event. If you are unsure how to secure witness accounts, a legal professional can help.
If an insurance claims adjuster has shared with you a cause for your accident that you do not believe is true, explore options. When you work with a Bucks County personal injury attorney, a legal professional will analyze the facts and investigate your claim. Skilled attorneys know how to strengthen a claim and secure a full and fair settlement package.
How many vehicles are involved in a collision varies. All accident injuries could lead to a successful personal injury claim when others were negligent. Negotiating a settlement can be complicated, an experienced legal professional can walk you through the process and communicate with other lawyers and insurance companies on your behalf.
Did you sustain a fracture or other injury during a single-vehicle crash in Pennsylvania or New Jersey? You may have a right to financial compensation if the accident was caused by another’s negligence. Contact a member of the legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. Our attorneys know how to secure the maximum settlement amount possible. Accidents happen every day. When they happen to you, it is essential you have a lawyer fighting for your rights. Reach out today, call 215-968-6602.