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Claims And Lawsuits Following A Taxi Accident


Rideshare services have become popular taxicab alternatives, but there are still plenty of people who rely on taxis to get to and from the airport when they travel, shuttle to work commitments, and perform daily errands. Because taxis are regularly moving around cities, suburbs, and towns, it is a reality that accidents involving taxis occur.

If you were hurt in a taxi accident, you may be confused on who is responsible for paying your expenses. Whether you were the passenger of a taxi at the time of your accident injury or were struck by a taxi driver, an accredited attorney can look over the details of your accident injury and inform you on what next steps will protect you from being taken advantage of, there are times when taxi companies or drivers can be held accountable. An aggressive Bucks County personal injury attorney can help.

Safety Obligations and Negligence

When you enter a taxi, you are doing so with the assumption that your safety is being taken seriously, meaning your driver will not drive recklessly or break a variety of traffic laws that could put you in harm’s way. That said, there are times when drivers behave in ways that are dangerous, leading to a passenger injury. In these situations, it is possible the taxi company could be held liable.

The reasons for taxi driver negligence are similar, and in many cases the same, as examples of passenger driver negligence.

  • Driver fatigue or sleeping
  • Distractions, from mobile devices to loud music
  • Operating a vehicle under the influence

Determining liability is one of the many personal injury questions that a skilled lawyer can answer.

Insurance Coverage and Taxi Accidents

Taxi-related injuries could be covered in a variety of ways. It is possible you will be contacted after the accident and offered an initial settlement number. Maybe you believe the amount looks large but after you do a quick tally of your medical expenses you realize it may not be enough to pay off your fees. Then, talk to a professional who can inform you of the possibility of you boosting the financial restitution you require.

A Bucks County personal injury attorney can share their personal injury expertise with you, such as what results they were able to achieve in past cases similar to your own. Case evaluation is part of the process, have your situation assessed before making a final decision on if you should settle or fight for a higher compensation amount. And if you are going to file a lawsuit, an attorney will assess details and make sure you are suing the correct party.

Are you ready to hire a lawyer to guide you through the compensation process following a taxi accident? Connect with the legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. Then, our attorneys will review the documents you have and advise you on paths forward. There are many different types of personal injury claims, choose your strongest path to a full and fair recovery package. To get started, call 215-968-6602.

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