Choosing Your Maiden Name After Divorce

When a person goes through a divorce, one of the decisions that need to be made is what surname they will use. If a woman took their spouse’s last name when they got married, she may want to go back to their maiden name. For others, they choose to continue using the name they used while married.
There are many issues to consider when divorcing, including the possibility of a name change, a Bucks County family attorney can answer all of the questions you have and take the actions needed to achieve the results you desire.
Some Prefer to Keep Their Married Name
There are times when a name change is not an issue. In some instances, a woman kept her maiden name when she married. In other situations, the woman divorcing chooses to not reclaim their maiden name.
The reasons a woman chooses to keep a married name depend on the individual. Some maintain a name because children carry the last name used while married and the person wants to have the same last name as their kids. Or, for professional reasons a woman wants to continue using the name she has built her career with. There are even situations when a woman feels comfortable with a name and not wanting to change all of the identifying documents, including bank accounts and business paperwork.
Documents that will have to be updated when changing a last name:
- Automobile licenses
- Professional licenses
- Bank accounts
- Credit cards
- Social security cards
- Valuable, important documents and accounts
It is also necessary to inform your employer of a name change. It can take time and energy, but some find the change is an important and public indicator of a new beginning, complete with an individual’s return to the family name they grew up with.
How to Change Your Name If You Want to Reclaim Your Maiden Name
According to Pennsylvania law, a spouse can change their name before or after a divorce decree. This can be done by filing a notice in the county. A Bucks County family attorney can assist you in requesting the name change.
In most cases a name change is a smooth transition as it is a personal decision. Of course, there can be complications for some. For example, if there was a prenuptial agreement that included rules about name changes. Some prenups stipulate a person is required to revert to their maiden name in the event of a divorce.
How you handle your name after divorce is a personal decision. The request for a name change is voluntary and up to the individual, provided there are no legal documents stating otherwise.
Do You Have Questions About Your Pennsylvania Divorce?
Are you interested in reverting to your maiden name after divorce? Do you have other questions about changes to your life during the divorce process? Turn to the experienced divorce attorneys at Kevin L. Hand, P.C.. Our attorneys can help you determine which documents need to be updated and changed. Schedule your consultation today, call 215-968-6602.