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Child Custody And Substance Abuse


Parents navigating a Pennsylvania divorce may have difficulties coming to an agreement when it comes to parenting schedules and custody concerns. There are many reasons why one parent may feel they are better equipped to care for the kids, one of these reasons is addiction issues.

If you believe your spouse has a drinking problem and it is unsafe for your children to spend time with that individual, you will need to obtain evidence to secure the child custody arrangement you desire. To understand how proving addiction could be possible, connect with a Bucks County family attorney.

Terms of Physical or Legal Custody

There are two types of custody that are discussed when parents are divorcing. Physical custody is which home the children will live in and legal custody is connected to decision making. A parent with legal custody can make medical and educational decisions, for example. So, it is possible you will be granted full physical custody, meaning the children reside with you, but legal custody will be shared.

Cases involving alcoholics could be ones in which the person who struggles with alcohol use is still able to have a say in decision making, even if the children will not be living with them. Full time. A lot of what is possible during a custody dispute will be connected to evidence, otherwise the court could grant both parents equal rights.

Documentation, Witnesses, and Tests

Various legal documents can be used to prove alcohol abuse. This could include proof of drunk driving arrests or charges of disorderly conduct while intoxicated. There could also be records of time spent in rehabilitation facilities or medical records that point to addiction. Additionally, neighbors, friends, and family members could provide witness accounts of alcohol use. Co-workers and work supervisors could also speak to time lost from work due to substance abuse.

And if your spouse is pushing back on you receiving custody because they have stopped drinking, there are tests that can be used to verify your spouse’s statements. Some tests can detect any alcohol use within a person’s system, such as a urine test.

There are many sensitive issues that can come to light during a divorce, and substance abuse is one of them. Whether you feel your children should not spend time with their other parents due to their alcohol consumption or you want custody and your spouse is accusing you of substance abuse, you need a lawyer. Reach out to a skilled Bucks County family attorney today.

Is it time for you to talk over your custody concerns with a qualified attorney? The family law attorneys at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. have the skills you need and can answer all of your questions about child custody, including legal custody and physical custody. If your spouse has a substance abuse issue, share the details of your case with an attorney. Once our lawyers understand the facts, a path to resolution can be paved. To learn more about divorce in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, schedule an initial consultation today, call 215-968-6602.

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