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Can I Still Get a Car Accident Report?


After a car accident in PA or NJ, understanding what a car accident report is, who has access to it, and how to obtain it can significantly impact your ability to recover damages. An experienced Bucks County personal injury attorney can help you secure the accident report and other critical evidence, ensuring that you have a robust case for recovering damages.

Who Has Access to the Car Accident Report?

A car accident report is an official document prepared by law enforcement officers who respond to the scene of a car accident. This report typically includes information about the location, time, and date of the accident. There will also be key data such as information about the vehicles and the names and insurance details of the drivers and passengers.

Depending on the circumstances, accounts from individuals who witnessed the accident and responding officer’s observations about the cause of the accident, including any citations issued, could be part of the report as well.

In Pennsylvania, car accident reports are generally accessible to:

  • Involved parties. Drivers, passengers, and vehicle owners involved in the accident.
  • Legal representatives. Attorneys representing any of the involved parties.
  • Insurance companies. Insurers of the involved parties for processing claims.
  • Law enforcement agencies. For investigative and record-keeping purposes.

To obtain a car accident report, identify the police department that responded to the accident you were involved in. For example, you may move forward with a request by contacting the Bucks County Sheriff’s Office, local municipal police, or the Pennsylvania State Police.

Can I Receive a Report by Mail or Online?

Obtaining a car accident report is essential for supporting your claim for compensation. In Bucks County, you can obtain this report by following their procedures, requests can be made in person, by mail, or sometimes online.

When requesting an accident report in person or by mail, be prepared to provide accident details and pay a small fee, the exact amount varies by department. Some police departments provide online access to accident reports through their websites or third-party services as well.

Securing a car accident report is just one step in building a strong case for compensation. A lawyer can efficiently obtain the accident report on your behalf and will carefully review the report for any inaccuracies or details that can support your claim. Beyond the accident report, a lawyer can collect other crucial evidence such as medical records, witness statements, traffic camera footage, and expert testimonies.

A Bucks County personal injury attorney will negotiate with insurance companies to secure fair compensation, using the accident report and other evidence. Should a settlement offer not be full and fair, your lawyer will then present your case in court, fighting for your interests every step of the way.

Where did your accident occur? A lawyer can reach out to the responding law enforcement office on your behalf in order to secure an accident report. Talk to the legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. to get the process started. Call 215-968-6602 for a confidential consultation.

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