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Blind Spots And Sideswipe Collisions


There are a range of ways that vehicles can collide. When the side of one car hits the side of another, say when a vehicle is attempting to pass the other or when merging, it is referred to as a sideswipe collision. Often, a driver not checking their blind spots is to blame.

After a Maryland crash injury, either in a sideswipe crash, rollover, or rear end collision, you may need to seek financial recovery to settle a variety of bills you accumulated related to the incident. Taking care of your physical health can be time consuming. Focus on your own care and have an aggressive Bucks County personal injury attorney work toward the highest possible settlement offer.

Where Are a Driver’s Blind Spots?

While blind spots are discussed throughout driver’s education classes, it is far too common for individuals who have been driving for years to fall into bad habits, such as failing to check their blind spots.

An area immediately around your vehicle that is not observable from the direction of your gaze or your driver mirrors is a blind spot. To check your blind spot, you typically need to turn your head, looking over your shoulder. While side and rear mirrors minimize blind spots, there are areas that still need to be checked to avoid collisions.

Before leaving a parking spot, check to be sure all of your mirrors are properly placed. Mirrors that are adjusted correctly are necessary for safe driving. Then, when you are driving, if you are preparing to merge, a swift glance over your shoulder will allow you to see the small area the mirror reflection does not cover. If the area is clear, merging can be done safely.

Is Failing to Check a Blind Spot Always to Blame?

Accidents, including sideswipe collisions, can occur in a lot of different ways. For instance, if a driver is speeding or driving aggressively, their erratic, dangerous behaviors can lead to collisions, even if other responsible drivers are taking every precaution they can, including checking their blind spots before merging or changing lanes.

However you were injured, it is possible you will be contacted by an insurance company and offered a compensation amount. They may tell you it is in your best interests to settle immediately. But before you agree to terms you do not understand, or if you suspect the offer is far lower than it should be, talk to a Bucks County personal injury attorney about what options you have.

Did you have to seek medical care for an injury you sustained when sideswiped? Hire the legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. to review the documents you have and advise you on paths forward. Our attorneys have worked on many different types of personal injury cases and have the knowledge to obtain a full and fair recovery package whether you were struck head on in New Jersey or were sideswiped in Pennsylvania. Seasoned lawyers will assess your past, current, and future expenses and calculate the value of your claim. To get started, call 215-968-6602.

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