Attorney-Client Privilege And Your Personal Injury Claim

Embarrassing or confidential information could be part of your personal injury claim. There may be medical information you do not feel comfortable with the public knowing or there could be part of a pre-existing medical concern that you do not typically share with others. It is important for you to know that your conversations with your attorney are protected discussions. Attorney-client privilege means conversations are confidential, it is a pledge that binds all lawyers to honor a person’s privacy.
If you want to talk to a Bucks County personal injury lawyer about the possibility of damage recovery, know that the discussion will be private. What you share with your lawyer will not be disclosed to the opposing party or your insurance company. Any questions about confidentiality can be answered, set guidelines and rules are in place.
Communication Covered Under Attorney-Client Privilege
Communication between you and your lawyer is kept confidential. This is true of written and oral discussion, including the following:
- In-person conversations
- Discussions that take place during phone calls
- Email exchanges
- Text threads
In the majority of circumstances, the confidentiality remains in effect even after the claim is finalized. The exceptions to attorney-client privilege are when a crime is being committed. If you want clarity on what is protected and what is not, simply discuss your concerns with a licensed, experienced legal professional.
Attorney-client privilege is an important part of protecting your rights. After all, you need to feel comfortable sharing all of your concerns with your lawyer. For example, if you have a health issue that you worry will weaken your claim, sharing information about your medical situation can lead to your lawyer providing clarity. It is possible the information will have no impact on your claim or case, but your attorney can’t let you know that until they are aware of your concern.
Work with an Attorney You Trust
Deciding which attorney to work with is a crucial choice. This is the professional who will be representing you and fighting for your best interests. You need a skilled Bucks County personal injury lawyer who can secure your financial future following the stress and worry of an accident injury.
A seasoned lawyer who has worked on similar cases knows how to pursue a full and fair compensation package. When interviewing lawyers, ask them about their success rate and what attorney-client privilege means to them. Trusting your lawyer to work for you and fight for a high settlement means you and your family can focus on healing.
Are you ready to talk to a lawyer you can trust about a Pennsylvania or New Jersey accident? You may have a right to financial compensation if the accident was caused by another’s negligence. Contact a member of the legal team at Kevin L. Hand, P.C. Our attorneys know how to secure the maximum settlement amount possible. Accidents happen every day. When they happen to you, it is essential you have a lawyer fighting for your rights. Reach out today, call 215-968-6602.